The staff council is an advisory body in an educational institution to help in smooth functioning of the college in academic and all other matters of the college and in the maintenance of discipline. The council collects and disseminates information pertinent to staff issues and to increase awareness of college policies. The entire teaching faculty and the librarian are the members of the council. The principal selects a staff secretary in agreement with the members. The secretary helps hold the council meetings in consultation with the principal as and when required. The secretary maintains record of the minutes of every meeting duly signed by her/him. The duties are assigned to the staff council by the principal by forming various committees, clubs and societies related to academics, extra-curricular activities and administrative work of the college during an academic session. Facilitate collaboration, mentoring, professional development, and knowledge sharing among the staff, faculty, and administrators. It promote equity and enhance the visibility and strengthen the voice of staff within the College. The council members discuss and offer suggestions on different matters for taking important decisions. The staff council also arranges activities like farewell functions, picnics etc. for the staff. The members are supposed to sign in a register to mark their presence at the time of attending the meeting. Important decisions related to students and college welfare are taken in the staff council meetings. The staff council contributes in making Y.V.N.R Government Degree College, educational community an efficient, fulfilling and attractive work environment.The role of staff council has an important bearing on the smooth and proper functioning of the institution.
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