Differently-abled Friendliness


The right of Persons with Disabilities Act, of 2016 prohibits discrimination against individuals with physical and mental disabilities. YVNR Govt. Degree College has all kinds of discrimination on any grounds including disability.

The college intends to advance comprehensive and inclusive teaching and learning the environment in which incapacitated students and employees are not distraught or treated unfavourably.

The institute aims to design its programs, administrations, and activities accessible to the students. All the authorities of the institute are striving in order to extending a helping hand towards the differently abled so as to make sure about the Benefits of grounds programs, administrations, and activities. These guidelines apply to all the Institute Faculty and staff.


To create Inclusive Culture to avoid discrimination, exploitation, and exclusion of Disable Students and Staff from all spheres of work and education.

To create suitable regulatory mechanism the for effective delivery of services to Disable Students and Staff of the institute.

To ensure implementation of all legislations with respect to persons with disabilities.

To provide accessible and inclusive education at the institute.

To ensure full participation of persons with disabilities and to provide them the equal opportunities for development.

To provide necessary budget allocation to achieve the above objectives.

The terms used in the policy have meaning mentioned in chapter I of the rights of the persons with disability Act 2016.


Disability is a term that includes motor and sensory limitations (e.g., mobility, vision, or hearing impairments). It also includes disabilities resulting from chronic illnesses and syndrome, invisible disabilities, such as psychological and emotional disorders, learning disabilities, heart disease, diabetes, asthma, arthritis, epilepsy, Acquired Brain Injuries (ABI), and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)are also included in the term disability. Many disabilities vary in degree and type of limitation; therefore, accommodations must also vary and should be tailored to the needs of the individual.


The expression qualified individual with a disability alludes to a person with a disability who is qualified to participate in any given institute program or activity.

With regard to enrolment, a certified individual with a disability must fulfil the scholastic guidelines required for affirmation and meet the scholarly necessities set up for any given course, degree, or certificate program.

With respect to employment, training, work assignments, and promotion, a qualified individual with a disability must be able to perform the minimum essential functions of the job. However relaxation shall be allowed as per the Government rules.


YVR GDC has established provides counselling for the students with disabilities on the types of courses they can study at the higher education.

Ensuring the admission of the students with disabilities as possible as per guidelines of CCE AP. Collection of orders dealing with fee concessions, examination procedures, reservation policies, etc., referring to persons with disabilities as per the government policies from time to time.

Assessing the educational needs of persons with disabilities enrolled in higher education. Conducting awareness programs for teachers about the approaches to teaching, evaluation procedures, etc, which they should adopt in the case of students with disability.

Provides support to students with disability and assist them in getting appropriate employment after their studies.

Conducting regular Remedial Coaching Classes for persons with disabilities.


Providing access means making all the University services, activities and the benefits thereof, fully available to qualified people with disabilities. The institute should provide various provisions in sports and games.

Withregardtothe facilitiesprovidedto thedifferentlyabledpeople,wehavethe followingfacilitiesin our college.

1.Ramp2.Wheelchair3. Walker

We have a ramp at the entrance of the college.This is very useful for the college staff, students,and others who are differently abled.We have a very little number of the differently abled.So,we organize the classes for them on the ground floor itself. This is one more step that we havetakenin favorof theDifferently Abled.



The wheelchair is so useful and comfortable when any differently-abled visits or appears orcomes regularly for academic purposes. We have it through the humane act ofDr. K. PankajKumar’sDonation, Lecturer in English.


AnotherfacilityforthedifferentlyabledpeoplewhichisavailableinthecollegeisaWalker. Itwasacquired bythe invaluabledonationofDr.K.A.Emmanuel, Lecturerin Chemistry.