Title of the Practice: ‘PADATI-PRAGATHI’– (Women Empowerment)
YVNR Government Degree College offers hope and empowerment for women from all sectors of the rural society, in the field of higher education. It has a good track record in transforming the lives of the countless young women students that have passed through its portals. YVNR Government Degree College continues to challenge itself to stay ahead of the curve and address the changing needs of its students and society in the most innovative, engaged, compassionate way while providing cutting edge, competitive education.
Vision: Empowering Women through transformative education.
1. To provide the kind of transformative education that will enable our students tocreate a just, humane and inclusive society.
2. To develop as women of competence, compassion, and conscience.
3. To pursue the goal of social transformation as empowered individuals
4. To create awareness on women’s rights.
5. To promote more cultural space for women to foster a distinctive identity of their own.
6. To sensitize women students towards our rich cultural inheritance.
To empower women though education and strengthen them with social and ethical values.
Identification of strong leadership qualities in their capacity.
To promote a culture of respect and quality for women.
To make them aware of the law related to sexual harassment, within the institution and in the society.
To organize seminars, workshops to impart knowledge of opportunities and tools available.
To inculcate entrepreneurial attitude among girls and motto is, they should be “Job Creators” not “Job Seekers”.
The Context:
The institution has270 Girl students, all of them hail from rural background. Inequality and women harassment is the social stigma; the women empowerment cell has taken keen interest to protect the rights of girl students by organizing distinctive programmes. “If you educate a boy, you educate an individual, if you educate a girl, you educate a whole family”. In this context the women empowerment cell has designed several programmes to educate the Girl students of the college & in adopted village. Sexual harassment and other forms of sexual violence in public spaces, both in urban and rural settings, are an everyday occurrence for women and girls in every part around the country. Women cannot enjoy security and protection in life if they are not empowered. Women need to be provided equal opportunities for work to produce a just and progressive society. Empowerment act as a powerful tool against exploitation and harassment faced by women in the society.
The Practice
Developing Skills have been a predominant venture of our college as they have to live up to the expectations of the industry and society. We assess the girl students strength and weakness, academics and aptitude and address their needs. To embrace and facilitate the new environment and to entertain better quality among the fresher, Student Induction Programme was initiated, to ensure better teaching and learning. Our girl students have given opportunity to the lead the class as class representative and also to lead the college assembly meetings. We have given training to the girl students in performing dance and skits. Our college is also encouraging the girl students in sports. In order to develop the girl students in all fields the college has conducted several programmes.
Evidence of success
Capability to face intellectual challenges.
Increased number of placements.
Bagged first place in University Ball badminton for girls.
Bagged first place in Bharat Natyam and folk-dance competitions which are conducted by Krishna University, Machilipatnam.
Engaged in community service projects and submitted the project report to the university and respective village panchayat office.
Engaged extensively in medical camps during pandemic period and the programmes carried out in adopted village.
Our students also involved in awareness programmes on Beti-Bachao, Beti- Padhao and Kishora Vikasam.
Enhanced Self-esteem and self-confidence.
Able to gain respectable places in the society.
Problems Encountered
Parental illiteracy and belief on superstitions and therefore the parents are forced their girls to go for early marriages.
Due to poverty the girl students are forced to work as workers in the fields.
The girls are not allowed to go community service projects and internships due to lack of security and poverty.
Missing social interaction in terms of academic excellence.
Resources required.
Awareness programme on the theme “to educate girl child”
Encouragement from Government and as well as from NGO’s.
Gender Equity Programs
S. No |
Date |
Name of the Activity |
Link |
2017-18 |
1. |
03-01-2018 |
Kishori Vikasam |
2. |
06.01.2018 |
Rangoli |
3. |
10-01-2018 |
Food Festival |
4. |
21-01-2018 |
Rangoli Competition on Voters Day |
5. |
14.02.2018 |
Kishori Vikas Celebration |
6. |
08.03.2018 |
International Women’s Day |
7. |
05.04.2018 |
Counselling to Girls by the Police Department. |
2018-19 |
8. |
10-12-2018 |
Kishore Vikasam (beti bachavo beti padhavo) |
9. |
10-01-2019 |
Rangoli Competition |
10. |
11-01-2019 |
Food Festival |
11. |
08.02.2019 |
Women Safety Programme |
12. |
08-03-2019 |
Women’s Day |
2019-20 |
13. |
30-09-2019 |
Bathukamma Festival |
14. |
20-12-2019 |
Health Check up |
15. |
09/01/2020 |
Rangoli Competitions |
16. |
08-03-2020 |
Women’s Day |
2020-21 |
17. |
20-03-2021 |
Disha APP Awareness Programme |
2021-22 |
18. |
03-01-2022 |
National Women Teacher’s Day |
19. |
06-01-2022 |
Rangoli |
20. |
06-01-2022 |
Food Festival |
21. |
24-01-2022 |
National girl child day |
22. |
08-03-2022 |
International Women’s Day |
23. |
30-03-2022 |
Medical Camp |
24. |
07-04-2022 |
Health Awareness Program |
25. |
09-09-2022 |
World Suicide Prevention Day |
Best Practice - 1 Activities 2023-24 Click Here
“Free Book Distribution & Cash Prize to the Meritorious: GIFTs to students”
Objectives of the Practice
YVNR GDC is located in poor and rural area, the faculty strives hard to give model of education that is based on compassion and mindful living. To achieve this the faculty encourages and motivates the students to show a better performance in the semester end exams. The meritorious in some instances are very poor, so as to assist such poor students this practice helps them financially. Also this practice encourages the students towards attaining the educational progress. Moreover, it helps to inculcate healthy competition among the students to be more meritorious. In deed this practice of giving cash prize reduce the burden of Finance on students and is for the welfare of students.
The Context
There is an increasing tendency among the students to discontinue studies because of financial problems they are facing at their homes. In such cases, the students become dropouts and some are coming to the college rarely and number of absentees are increasing, even though they are bright in studies.
The Practice
Cash prize has been announced for the meritorious students. It is really a motivation for the students. The prize amount is sponsored by the faculty. On receiving the prize, the students may be in the thought of furthering better. Seemingly ordinary but great in the generation of motivation. We have targeted to reach some more number of students for the distributing the cash prize.
Evidence of Success
We gave away the cash prize for the meritorious on the occasion of the annual day. We have expected a maximum number of parents to take part in the meeting so as to make them aware about students and college.
Problems Encountered
Initially we got confused about the division and allocation of the cash prize .We were unable to make divisions for the cash prize. Later through a meeting, the cash prize got distributed equally between the groups of science, arts and commerce. Financial issues were visible, still we continued the practice every year with a good motive.
S. No |
Supporting Document |
Reference link |
1. |
Free ships from 2017 to 2022 |
2. |
Poor Student Fund |
3. |
Activity Reports for Free Book Distribution (2021) |
4. |
Activity Reports for Free Book Distribution (2019) |
5. |
Free Ships and Poor Students Fund Photos |
1.Title of the Practice:
Institutional Social Responsibility - Adoption of a village
2. Objectives of the Practice:
To transform the village by improving the poor socio-economic conditions, living standards and cleanliness habits.
To involve students in conducting socio-economic survey in adopted village as part of their
field activity. In turn, students will enhance their social, communication and soft skills qualifying themselves for employable skills, while promoting a social cause.
To develop leadership qualities, social responsibility, analytical skills and innovative thinking
among students.
To bridge the gap between benefits and beneficiaries by creating awareness among the people on various Government and non-Government welfare schemes.
To develop awareness among villagers by NSS volunteers on latest break throughs in agriculture, watershed management, non-conventional energy, low cost housing, sanitation, nutrition and personal hygiene, skill development programs, income generating government schemes, Environment and Energy Conservation, Education, legal aid, consumer protection, anti drug addition, AIDS, Preventive measures against Covid and fevers like Dengue, Swine Flu, Malaria etc.
To transmit the spirit of both Central Govt. and State Govt. sponsored programs for rural development such as Swachch Bharat, Ayushman Bharat, Digital India, Made in India, Beti Bachao - Beti Padhao and other activities.
3. The Context:
There is an increasing tendency among the students that the purpose of education is getting high paid jobs, earning money and settling abroad without any concern for community development.
At present the competitive environment and mechanical learning are channelizing the students away from the opportunity to involve and learn by actively participating in community service.
A wide spread despondency, passivity, fatalism and helpless attitude among the villagers make them drag their existence amidst squalor, suffering disease and death.
4. The Practice:
After a taking into account Government Surveys, distance and accessibility of the village and the nature of problems being encountered, village ACHAVARAM is adopted by the college.
The faculty and NSS volunteers interact with the Sarpanch, Panchayat Secretary, ward members, and school masters in the village, discussed the burning problems and appraised them of the mission for the all-round development of village.
The students have conducted a door-to-door survey in the village to chalk out a comprehensive mission.
Students inspected every nook and corner of the village and convinced people of the dirty, unhygienic surroundings and unclean habits and the resultant ill health and suggested easy and cost effective solutions such as safe disposal of wet and dry wastes, protected drinking water etc.
The staff and students have successfully conducted distribution of books, mathematical tool boxes to the students of MP UP School and blankets to the poor. Also organised plantation of saplings and made the villagers aware of environmental sustainability and its protection.
5. Evidence of Success:
The staff and students are 100% successful in achieving Social integration among the villagers. There is noticeable change in Greenery of adopted village after the awareness programme. The whole program has brought positive change in the attitude of our students. Their Leadership qualities, self-confidence, public speaking, problem solving and team work have improved a great deal.
6. Obstacles faced and Problems encountered:
Though the students have succeeded in motivating the rural youth towards aquaculture, agriculture, health and hygiene, skill development and environmental concern, older generations above the age of 50 are conservative and need more time for transformation as most of them are orthodox.
There is a problem of poor integration between the Government and the NGO agencies in the implementation of various welfare schemes in rural areas.
S. No |
Supporting Document |
Reference link |
1. |
Dustbins Distribution in Adopted Village |
2. |
Free Notebook Distribution in Adopted Village |
3. |
Medical Camp in Adopted Village |
4. |
Plantation in Adopted Village |
5. |
Blankets Distribution in Adopted Village |
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