Waste Management


The institution has a centralized, transparent and well-planned waste management system. The institution has predetermined systems of managing different types of waste.

Solid Waste Management - Solid waste is generated mainly from three sources from the college: examination, library, and office. The paper waste generated from examination and library are disposed through the Paper waste vendor. These paper vendors sell it to the agencies which manage the process of recycling. Metal scrap generated is sold to metal casting companies through scrap dealers. Decomposable and non-decomposable wastes are segregated.

The biodegradable waste is filled in composters and non-degradable waste is disposed of by Panchayat collection system. The institution is encourages
students to use recyclable plastic bags and bottles. Liquid waste management -
The wastewater collected from RO water system is collected in a separate tank and lifted to Over Head Tank to use for toilets and gardening.

However, there is a probable source identified which may generate bio-medical waste.  Ladies’ Washrooms: The used sanitary napkins are disposed of using black carry bags as per Panchayat guidelines. Female students and staff were educated to dispose of the used napkins using separate waste bins kept inside ladies’ washrooms.

Environment and Sustainability:
The water waste which is free from detergents is used for watering the plants∙ Hazardous chemicals and radioactive waste management - No such waste is generated by the college.