Y.V.N.R. Govt Degree college is a pioneer institute for innovative practices and take them forward to make available to the student community as well as for the benefit of society. The detail description about the distinctiveness regarding our college is mentioned as follows.
Need for consultancy service for Aqua culture:
Kollerulake is thelargest freshwater lake in India located in Andhra Pradesh.Kollerulake is a bigtourist attraction. Manyforeignbirds migrate here in winter, such as Siberian crane, ibis, and painted storks. Kollerulake was an important habitat for an estimated 20 million resident and migratory birds, including the grey or spot-billed pelican (Pelecanusphilippensis).KolleruLake under Ramsar Convention (allowing local communities like VaddiCommunity) to continue their occupation of culture fish and caught fish) covers 90,100 hectares (222,600 acres) and KolleruLake under Wildlife Sanctuary covers 166,000 acres (67,200 ha).The main occupation of the people here is aquaculture and therefore the college is offering a programmein B.Sc( Aquaculture Technology).
A consultancy service – “Needs and Deeds for Aqua” was started, since the college is situated mainly in the area ofthe Kolleru, aquaculture region. We give priority to every piece of information because many people in this locality depend on aquaculture. As aquaculture is a prominent field which is ever growing, the employment and income generating opportunities are also growing. Owing to that very reason, for the welfare of the farmers and improvement of the industry, we as Y. V.N. R. Govt Degree College decided to start the consultancy service.The service was launched by the Departments of Chemistry, Zoology, Aquaculture Technology and Physics.
Aquaculturehas a strategic advisory, supporting regulated and non-regulated clients with asset strategy. We are able tocontribute to the development of strategic objectives of the farmerswe work with and overlay their operating context.
1. To promote aquaculture in the region around the college.
2. To help the farmers in diverting them from regular crops to commercial crops.
3. To bring the experts of aqua culture and train the local aquaculture farmers.
4. To train our aquaculture technology students in the field of aquaculture.
Strategy of Consultancy Service
· To the test the water quality parameters for low price.
· To monitor the ponds for a period of 8 months with our students without any cost.
· To educate the local aqua farmers about the diseases which normally happen to the fish and shrimp.
Nature of work
Our consultancy service provides the required guidance through our students who are the care takers of the ponds for a period of 8 months. Every student is assigned with a pond and the student will supervise the pond in every aspect of the farming. Digging the pond making it ready, Water management, Feed management, Virus Control management and maintenance of arieatorsthat are being used in ponds. These are the very important aspects in the process of farming. The consultancy service is always intended to extend the guidance to the aspiring and progressing farmers.
In order toget a quality technical support, YVNR GDC has an MoU with the Industry NG Feeds which is located at Aarugolonuvillage of Bapulapadumandal of N.T.R Krishna District. As a result of that our students are getting good training under the stewardship of NG Feeds. Our students monitor the ponds every day by advising the farmers to give a proper feed to the fish and shrimp from time to time. The farmers who approach us are given the information related to the removal of sludge, drying the pond, liming, ploughing and soli enrichment methods Plankton Development. We like to advise the people in these aspects as seemingly they are trivial. If the formers are not vigilant about the virus for which fish and shrimp affect and the measures to be taken, the financial loss will be large. This is very essential information which must be known to every aqua farmer. This necessitates us to start consultancy service.
Our mottois to give aqua culture information and the services for the aqua farmers.
Our consultancy service provides quality improvement expertise, specialist learning and development. We support health and care organizations to identify, refine and embed sustainable strategies for high-quality care and regulatory excellence.
Our consultancy service advises the farmers on the following.
· In the aspect of selection of the shrimp seed.
· The seed should not be less than 10 days.
· It should have a minimum of 3 rostral Spine.
· We advise that the shrimps seed should be dropped in the ponds either before 8 AM or after 6 PM.
· In addition to that, for the welfare, productivityand profitability the following tests are done by the specialist team in our college laboratory.
· Total Alkalinity.
· Dissolved Oxygen.
· Total Ammonia.
· Total Nitrite.
· Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD).
· Bio-chemical Oxygen Demand (BOD).
· Free Chlorine and pH.
The farmers are advised what kind of precautionary measures are to be taken so as toget good yielding.
Before dropping the seed of the fish, it should be tested whether it is healthy or not.
On finding any abnormality, the farmers should consult the experts to have their valuable piece of advice.
Besides that, our consultancy center collectsnominal fee to test the water quality parameters and it gives some kind of revenue which in turn be utilized forthe maintenance of the laboratory.
Future Aspects
Reports (2022-23)
S.No |
Supporting Document |
Reference Link |
1 | Details of Consultancy Report | |
2 | Water Analysis Samples Report |
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Water Analysis Sample Bills
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S. No |
Supporting Document |
Reference link |
1. |
Policy of Consultancy Service |
2. |
Grand opening of Consultancy Service |
3. |
Details of Consultancy Report |
4. |
Water Analysis Samples Report |
5. |
Water Analysis Sample Bills |
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